Safe sports betting: Tipico sends a strong message about gambler protection with its campaign

  • Motto of the campaign: “You control the game, do not let the game control you.”
  • Support for the “Check Your Game” initiative of the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) 
  • Campaign reaches millions of viewers on ARD-Sportschau and on YouTube
  • Focus is on prevention and risk awareness

Tipico, the leading German sports betting provider, has sent out a strong message about gambler protection. In the final weeks of this year’s Bundesliga season, Tipico used its advertising reach to prominently promote a visually stunning TV commercial for prevention and education among soccer fans. The clip was broadcast in seven editions of ARD-Sportschau, where it reached an average of 3.7 million viewers; the clip also received a further half a million views on YouTube since March. This makes Tipico the first provider in the regulated German sports betting market to use its advertising time for a gambler protection initiative and use its reach for this purpose.

Under the motto “You control the game, do not let the game control you.” Tipico highlights the “Check your gambling” initiative of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). With this campaign, Germany’s most successful sports betting provider is once again reaffirming its commitment to gambler protection and sending a clear signal for responsible betting behavior as well as prevention and education to ensure that gambling does not lead to problems.

The commercial was developed in collaboration with the Hamburg-based creative agency deepblue networks, the American director Wes Walker and the production company BWGTBLD. It wants to motivate viewers to visit the BZgA helpline “”. There, gamblers and their relatives can obtain information and advice on gambling-related risks. It includes a self-test, a knowledge test, and information and documentation on the suspension of players who are concerned about developing problems.

As a result, Tipico is using its reach not only during the decisive phase of the Bundesliga, but also in the run-up to the upcoming European Football Championship in Germany to draw attention to gambler protection, raise awareness of risks and promote prevention measures.

For many years, Tipico has been a leader in the development of gambler protection measures

Safety is an integral part of the product promise at Tipico. It was private providers who pioneered the provision of real behavioral data from online gambling for research purposes in Germany in the early 2010s. This research led to the development of the first predictive and early detection models for problem gambling, which have been used to protect customers of Tipico for almost ten years. These are now an essential part of current regulations.

As early as 2012, Tipico published the first gambler protection concept. Since then, it has been continuously developed. It was fundamentally revised in 2017 and has since been regularly reviewed and assessed as suitable by regulatory authorities. Tipico is involved in the further development of gambler protection standards in the German market and the concept is continuously evaluated and improved on the basis of the evidence gained. In its latest edition, the gambler protection concept covers around 90 pages and is publicly available.

Tipico gambler protection concept:

“Du bestimmst das Spiel” (“You control the game”) commercial:


Consulting services offered by the BZgA: